“Design Works covers a holistic approach to using design to create value in any organization. It expertly and clearly explains the principles of design thinking and connects them to the strategic direction of the enterprise, integrating ‘business’ and ‘design.’ It includes a proven set of tools and tips to help you unleash the power of design in your organization.”
Claudia B. Kotchka,
former Vice President,
Design Strategy and Innovation,
Procter & Gamble
The Methodology
Business Design is a discipline that combines the principles and practices of human-centered design and business strategy. It takes design thinking to the next level and addresses: How do you design a sustainable business that’s worth spending time, money, and energy on? It is a practical, learnable discipline that has proven to create value across all types of enterprises.
The Book
Design Works is a collection of principles and tools for driving innovation and growth through the practice of Business Design, with inspiring success stories from a variety of enterprises. It draws from decades of Heather’s experience in building businesses and coaching over 10,000 executives and students around the world of the application of this powerful discipline.
Heather Fraser
Heather is an innovator, strategist, and educator in the practice of Business Design. Through leadership roles at Procter & Gamble, Ogilvy & Mather, TAXI Advertising & Design, University of Toronto and VUKA Works, she has inspired ambitious goals, challenged conventional thinking, and pioneered new ways for innovators to unlock business growth.
Turn your ideas into business.
Heather founded VUKA Works to share practical Business Design knowledge and tools with innovators and entrepreneurs everywhere. Here are two VUKA products that will help you design your business idea:
VUKA Works
A Business Design platform that guides you through the process of designing and de-risking your business idea
This dynamic software guides you through the Business Design process for building your business idea in a structured, step-by-step way. It asks you the critical questions, provides practical exercises and worksheets at each step, and allows you to capture your best thinking into a consolidated Story.
VUKA Business Design Accelerator
A practical, self-paced learn-and-apply program
This online accelerator is a great way to learn about Business Design. It explains why each step of designing your business idea is important, and how to tackle each of them.